Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Port Royale 2 Update

I discovered that there is a beauty LOW COST !!!!!!

This afternoon I was waiting for the Metro station in my family now Monti Tiburtini.A the same stop I rises with a boy (age 19/20anni more or less), now that the usual veneer of these pischelletti times are: hair all slicked over cilia strictly drawn, not even the shadow of a wisp of beard, and a colorful type carotene (... now I understand why some are called Bunny's solarium sun!).
Her dress was very nice, very sophisticated and above all very "signed." Overall a nice boy ....
I was there to observe it in all its details, I was very curious about what surprises could come out of his fantastic "bag"!
at Piazza Bologna salt that is the exact opposite: the typical metalhead 80 years, long-haired, dressed all in black.
I had before me the white and black, day and night, and so on and so forth! While I saw that the metalhead
drummed handrails on the car meter, a song by Metallica or Iron Maiden, I thought that maybe the dude sang a song in his head of Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera's latest hit!
I really enjoyed it!
'm not for either of two styles, but for that type of guy that maybe does not care much to match colors that do not smell the scent of last DEG, that these days he cuts his hair because he died from the heat, and especially not out of the "bag" that beautiful portfolios signed in so I tried envy (I will not be a hypocrite!).
As someone once said "the sacrifice is Figheri !"... may be true, but it would be better if we relax a bit. So
the end of everything ................ VIVA BEAUTY LOW COST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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