... Dedicated to all production ... Some nights the machine is hot and where it takes you decide yourself.
(to Q3 of course) Some nights the street does not count and what counts is that feeling go.
(preferably in the wrong direction or off-road) Some nights the radio that goes Neil Young seems to have understood who you are.
(we go up to Alberto Camerini and his robot) Some nights are like a vice that I will not stop, never stop.
(do not resemble, I AM a defect which I will not ever stop) Some nights you do a bit 'of mayhem that they feel that it will not change any more.
(some nights? A production becomes more and mayhem) Those nights between legs and mosquitoes and fog, and the spaces where you from.
(only the mosquitoes do not really belong to us, we give the local Cu (three)) Some nights thou hast any injury that some will disinfect your friend.
(thankfully few injuries, except that for the poor red dots) Some nights with bars that are closed to the first roadside restaurants there are those who celebrate.
(the first, second or even without motorways, the important thing is to celebrate) And you can be alone, some nights here, content with those who enjoy so-so.
(holy words ... a production alone can not be right) or Some nights you're awake, or you will never wake up, see you sooner or later by Mario.
(production is always awake! Qlc except when he is afraid and is home to me, we'll see you at the bar Katia) Some nights you feel the owner of a place that time of day there.
(no no place there during the day: it is called Polytechnic) Some nights if you're lucky, knock on the door of those who are like you.
(in production are sixty-door, someone will for sure!) There is a night that keeps you between her boobs a little 'mom a bit' nasty it is.
(production and is happy così.lei and night are fellow students, even if the night is often not in class (as piga)) Those nights of making love until it hurts until there n ' is.
(here there is nothing to add ... (re) production industry will mean something) We can not be alone some nights here, satisfied that if you enjoy, so-so.
(same as written before) Some nights are the nights and we give you, as Mario reopen sooner or later.
(certo. .. the night we give to those who are now producers though not of course) here some nights, some nights here, here some nights, some nights ....
(...) Some nights you're just happier, more greedy, more naive and you can fool
(like last night and as always I'd say ...) those nights are just that vice that I will not stop, stop, ever.
(and never ever ever again. But even for the days with the speech is the same) We can not be alone some nights here, content with those who enjoy it as well.
( never alone ... production does not abandon his children) Some nights you're awake or you will never wake up, see you sooner or later by Mario.
(production never sleeps, production is always awake) Some nights here, here some nights, some nights here.
Ultimately, without many words: THANK YOU ALL
are "I do not want that vice never stop "