The sad face of America? ..
We have always been accustomed to believe so, because there was a song that he said it, because you had to sing, because the even put to cutre and therefore meant that it was really so. But, no. It is no longer the case, turn the page and comes Rodriguez.
Yes, she, ladies and gentlemen. knocking at the gate of our consciences the thirst for truth, faces a new awareness that shakes overwhelmingly secular certainties to which we are accustomed, almost addicted.
she was needed, blot color of the polytechnic, the professor with a lot of mustache and sombrero, and with an unknown name to that as much anagrafe Italian Mexican.
Maria Rodriguez Luis Nazario Da Lima (as we loved jokingly appeal) gave us a demonstration of how Mexico is far from the sad face of America. It has succeeded only in the most natural of ways: by acting as its land has taught her and putting into practice the precepts of her mother (her most mustachioed) had passed.
Thanks to you, today Mexico is subtracted, finally, to this simplistic and offensive definition.
And that is why we distance ourselves from Giuliano Palma and the Bluesbeaters for reckless and irrational use of vocabulary and call today "Neomessicanesimo" a new way of thinking that separates Mexico from the diametrically dull and narrow vision that we had always been imposed. (cited)
The Mexico is finally free and Rodriguez was a true revolutionary, the kind that only in South America knows generate.
Pardon the outburst, but I hope you understand my pain.
always remembered for his calls to Silvia and her "Fuera por favor" .. unforgettable moments in an industrial manufacturer can never do without. Muchas gracias profesora
y large to mejico vida!
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