that bad ass to the seat of the bike!! : P
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Skin Rashes Diagnosis
Ok this history of the Internet is becoming a big problem and does not seem to be resolved in time Fast! The other day I was screwed out of the university and end up talking to a couple of friends have been sitting on the sidewalk in the cold for half an hour !!!!! I need Internet access the tutorials for the courses I am attending and doing the exercises (the first I have to deliver the February 9 !!!)... but it also serves to orient myself in this damn town! Now I find myself doing millions of searches in a short time and then every time I come home and there's something I forgot to check. But above all I have left less time to study! I can not bring home all the books I need and I can not do the exercises except when I have internet! I need internet at home for the evening do the cabbage and my day, college, all I have to do for classes! Not to mention the fact that I took a dictionary of English because I find it all so what I need on ... INTERNET! Ugh!
So excuse me if I'm not writing very often on the blog but I am becoming a bit 'complicated!
Friday morning for some reason I woke up at 6 ... probably because my bed is quite uncomfortable, I'm not sleeping very well. Not knowing what the hell to do (I've already said that I do not have internet?) I got a. .. STUDY! incredible! The only thing I had available at home was the history of the Near East Van de Mieroop ... at 5 pm I realized that I had never yet lifted from the desk! Intrippata a lot and I have finally managed to draw a diagram of the complete history of the Near East from the Neolithic to the Persian conquest! I was finally able to arrange all those things that just do not understand the Liverani! Do not believe it but the history of the Near East begins to make sense!! Come on insomnia, praised Van de Mieroop! (How many exclamation points today!)
At that point I had my back to pieces and all the sore muscles from climbing on Wednesday ... What to do? I had actually planned to go climbing but I was almost tempted to go on to study because it was launched ... but in the end I thought it was not healthy to be so nerd! I forced myself to get dressed and went to the castle, thinking that my back pain and that I would have enjoyed it a little disposed 'of lactic acid.
I fired a full hour of Bulder and exercises at the low wall, then I met the other club so I throw myself into my first high wall! I thought it would be much harder, even I was already pretty tired ... and instead it was wonderful. Of course I did a simple way but I went on with no problem and gave me too much satisfaction! Then we took a break and I ate a chocolate muffin as good as ever at the bar of the castle! And then to climb again! I even over a boulder that the girl who climbed with me (she beginner h) failed to finish. The coolest thing is that once you enter you can stay for up to 10 (closing time) and considering that you pay very little!!
Saturday instead I woke up slowly, I borrowed a bike for my roommate and I throw myself in this urban jungle! It took me 30 minutes to get to the net university, whereas I did not know the roads well and then I stopped to look at the map and I have absolutely physically and virtually surpassed even my children, is a great time! And it was definitely nice to see me around (traveling under the ground is so depressing!). Saturday was the coldest day since I came here, I was worried to death, frozen and instead it went really well (it will be a chore that I did so I was very flushed and Executioner: p). So we know that the bicycle will be my means of locomotion for the coming months. Wednesday I shall expire on the subscription subway and I'm not going to do it again. In the coming days I will try a used bike, should not be too difficult to find one.
In the afternoon I had an appointment with the guys from the club that made photography a walk to soho to examine preparations for the Chinese New Year which will be next week. It was very cold and then after a short walking tour we were stuffed into a Chinese restaurant to drink tea and chat. It 'was a really nice afternoon! I talked a lot in English, I made new friends ... nice!
Today I wanted to devote myself to the study since yesterday I have not done anything. On Sunday it is open only to the central library of the UCL, there are many books on archeology, but it is beautiful and I like it here! I am in the pavilion of the law because it is the most beautiful of all, with high vaulted ceilings ... But are the 6 and I have not done much (ie, I did a lot of things but not for college ... as I said before).
Oh well I am attaching a bit 'of photos a bit' random these days.
laundry day ... |
the most beautiful rose origami I've done so far |
decorations for Chinese New Year |
find parking in London is a nightmare! |
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Personalized Plate Availability Ontario
Sunday 30th January Thursday 27th January Tuesday 25th
Finally yesterday I went to climb to the castle! I met a lot of kids from the UCL, they all look nice and are mostly very nice. I totally rusted so I spent an afternoon on the simple steps and boulder on the wall low, they have tried to convince me to try a climb but I did not feel right, I had every muscle trembling. But I still had lots of fun! The new shoes are obviously a bad dog! I got them really small this time, but I just feel that I'll get used to going to climb great! I feel the best foot loooong. After a couple of hours of climbing I got a hunger Executioner, so I tried the bar of the castle: I took a piece of toast and orange juice for only £ 4.30 and the toast was really good!! I love this place, let this be known! probably will try to bring home at the end of these 6 months ... I mean, it takes a little getting used to the wonderful walls, but how do you go back to those tiny Venice?? Anyway I did a registration figure of shit too! The girl gives me the sheet to fill out and tells me to look behind the rules, I compile everything and fly over the course back then I get the same old things ... shipping on everything and she makes me "just a couple of quick questions "and I am questioning the rules written behind!! phew, I had to go sit down, read everything and come back to her, what a shame! were Italian!: p
The guys I had been invited to the evening of sports pub to the club but once back home I was too destroyed to leave yet, I will go next week. do not tell you how I woke up this morning! I had cramps in his arms all day.
Since I'm stayed at home after dinner and I do not have internet (I'm almost getting used to it ...) I wrote a long letter to my grandmother, perhaps too long ... we just hope there are no errors, I have not read it again, it was too late, but what kills me even remotely if I did some mistake!! but I could not have a normal grandmother, the kind that give you always tip and let you do whatever you want?? (I love my nonnolona Austro-Hungarian!)
I discovered, again by the children of the castle from where I live (which is behind the castle) at the University bike we bring you 20 minutes ... so this weekend I do give the bike from my roommate and I make a test, if not the risk of dying could begin to come to the university by bike and save £ 70 a meter per month (which are not few!) and then even more exercise (which certainly does not make me evil !!!!). Maybe print a fluorescent jacket with the word "warning beginner the left-hand drive "so maybe I can not die at the first intersection.
Yesterday I also met the president on the Georgian culture. He was born in London but is of Georgian family and is perfectly bilingual. He was with his grandfather, who speaks only Georgia and so I know all the words unlined. The Lord was moved! asked me all the places where I've been so at one point I pulled out the computer and showed a bit 'of the photo. boy was very excited about our meeting and also asked me if I feel like half an hour to make a presentation at the next meeting of the club! help! I'll make it? the thing I was a bit 'scared but I think it's worth to try and I said yes. Also because I have to learn to make presentations in English, for when I will (hopefully) begin to speak at conferences.
The Rova wrote me that they have kindly passed the thesis of a guy who worked on the metallurgy in the Caucasus and did a GIS. I look forward to seeing it, I will definitely be useful!
Apparently the former tenant which is in the name of internet line had paid the bill and is working to solve the problem, hopefully it will be something fast! In the meantime, I downloaded a lot of material on the computer so you have something to learn, even from home and everyway I try to stay in college as much as possible ... a little 'as in Venice. But the library here is really small archeology as spaces in which to study ... Fortunately, there is the common room with sofas: D even though at this time (the 7) is full of people who come to eat (because here is the microwave) and make me smell irresistible ... 're getting hungry, I think I'm going home to eat, hello!
Finally yesterday I went to climb to the castle! I met a lot of kids from the UCL, they all look nice and are mostly very nice. I totally rusted so I spent an afternoon on the simple steps and boulder on the wall low, they have tried to convince me to try a climb but I did not feel right, I had every muscle trembling. But I still had lots of fun! The new shoes are obviously a bad dog! I got them really small this time, but I just feel that I'll get used to going to climb great! I feel the best foot loooong. After a couple of hours of climbing I got a hunger Executioner, so I tried the bar of the castle: I took a piece of toast and orange juice for only £ 4.30 and the toast was really good!! I love this place, let this be known! probably will try to bring home at the end of these 6 months ... I mean, it takes a little getting used to the wonderful walls, but how do you go back to those tiny Venice?? Anyway I did a registration figure of shit too! The girl gives me the sheet to fill out and tells me to look behind the rules, I compile everything and fly over the course back then I get the same old things ... shipping on everything and she makes me "just a couple of quick questions "and I am questioning the rules written behind!! phew, I had to go sit down, read everything and come back to her, what a shame! were Italian!: p
The guys I had been invited to the evening of sports pub to the club but once back home I was too destroyed to leave yet, I will go next week. do not tell you how I woke up this morning! I had cramps in his arms all day.
Since I'm stayed at home after dinner and I do not have internet (I'm almost getting used to it ...) I wrote a long letter to my grandmother, perhaps too long ... we just hope there are no errors, I have not read it again, it was too late, but what kills me even remotely if I did some mistake!! but I could not have a normal grandmother, the kind that give you always tip and let you do whatever you want?? (I love my nonnolona Austro-Hungarian!)
I discovered, again by the children of the castle from where I live (which is behind the castle) at the University bike we bring you 20 minutes ... so this weekend I do give the bike from my roommate and I make a test, if not the risk of dying could begin to come to the university by bike and save £ 70 a meter per month (which are not few!) and then even more exercise (which certainly does not make me evil !!!!). Maybe print a fluorescent jacket with the word "warning beginner the left-hand drive "so maybe I can not die at the first intersection.
Yesterday I also met the president on the Georgian culture. He was born in London but is of Georgian family and is perfectly bilingual. He was with his grandfather, who speaks only Georgia and so I know all the words unlined. The Lord was moved! asked me all the places where I've been so at one point I pulled out the computer and showed a bit 'of the photo. boy was very excited about our meeting and also asked me if I feel like half an hour to make a presentation at the next meeting of the club! help! I'll make it? the thing I was a bit 'scared but I think it's worth to try and I said yes. Also because I have to learn to make presentations in English, for when I will (hopefully) begin to speak at conferences.
The Rova wrote me that they have kindly passed the thesis of a guy who worked on the metallurgy in the Caucasus and did a GIS. I look forward to seeing it, I will definitely be useful!
Apparently the former tenant which is in the name of internet line had paid the bill and is working to solve the problem, hopefully it will be something fast! In the meantime, I downloaded a lot of material on the computer so you have something to learn, even from home and everyway I try to stay in college as much as possible ... a little 'as in Venice. But the library here is really small archeology as spaces in which to study ... Fortunately, there is the common room with sofas: D even though at this time (the 7) is full of people who come to eat (because here is the microwave) and make me smell irresistible ... 're getting hungry, I think I'm going home to eat, hello!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Minocin More Drug_warnings_recalls
I found a notebook with squares in the campus stationery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found a notebook with squares in the campus stationery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Prices For Ukooa Medical#
Wow, what a weariness is only Tuesday night and are tired! Over the past three days I did a real tour de force to prepare the readings for today's lesson on archeology of the Near East. I must say that this system which everyone must make a certain number of readings to choose from the list of references for each lesson very much, is very close to my ideal method of study! I love to read literature rather than studying a single text or even worse, the professor's lecture notes. The only problem is that at the moment are a bit 'slow reading in English, I sconcentro easily, be sure to follow carefully what I read I take notes or are likely to think of anything else as I read without even accorgemene. So far it takes me a long time. But I'm sure it will become faster.
Unfortunately, it happened a mess with the internet and have it removed! It 's a big mess because almost the contract is payable to a former tenant of that now went back to his home in France and it seems that the only way we can be contacted through the Internet. Apparently he forgot to pay the last bill, despite the other had given him the money! So obviously no one wants to put the money to pay the bill, there is also the arrears to be paid (luckily only 10 pounds) and do not really know how to make us hang up the Internet without first contacting him. Will be faster to pay bills or open a new contract?? I feel that I will stay for long without a connection and probably I will cut my veins for long. I tried to go on the website of the telephone company but do not give any useful information, I'll call and I know that it will be a casino and spend lots of money! (For now
then uses the connection of the university ... but in the evening when I get home I do not know what to do: I can not watch a movie, I can not chat, can not cover the exercises done in class that are on the site University home ... we do not have television, and even cards to play tonight ... Oh well I dedicate myself a bit 'to the cleaners because it is my turn to weeks and then I'll go to bed early that I need to recover a bit 'of energy (or maybe instead I go back outside and feel the competition for bands of ahahahaah UCL).
Anyway I discovered a room with students of archeology in the basement where the couches sprawl, microwave and kettle for tea ... you are too good! Now that I know I will start to gear up for lunch: having a microwave can do a lot of things and save a bit 'of money!
Sunday I found a DIY type store near my house and I bought a couple of things have definitely improved the room: a red shade to the lamp, a purple carpet to cover a bit 'the horrible carpet and bedspread red cloth. The main problem is how to color a bit 'walls without ruining the wallpaper ... I got a great idea and I'm doing origami to stick to the wall! I make them a bit ' at a time, relaxing colors and are very much the result (so as not to repeat myself) is all free!! I would use them to make the "headboard" of the bed. As soon as the project takes shape will post some pictures.
Now I make myself a tea and I went home hoping that the crush of the subway is a bit 'dropped.
Wow, what a weariness is only Tuesday night and are tired! Over the past three days I did a real tour de force to prepare the readings for today's lesson on archeology of the Near East. I must say that this system which everyone must make a certain number of readings to choose from the list of references for each lesson very much, is very close to my ideal method of study! I love to read literature rather than studying a single text or even worse, the professor's lecture notes. The only problem is that at the moment are a bit 'slow reading in English, I sconcentro easily, be sure to follow carefully what I read I take notes or are likely to think of anything else as I read without even accorgemene. So far it takes me a long time. But I'm sure it will become faster.
Unfortunately, it happened a mess with the internet and have it removed! It 's a big mess because almost the contract is payable to a former tenant of that now went back to his home in France and it seems that the only way we can be contacted through the Internet. Apparently he forgot to pay the last bill, despite the other had given him the money! So obviously no one wants to put the money to pay the bill, there is also the arrears to be paid (luckily only 10 pounds) and do not really know how to make us hang up the Internet without first contacting him. Will be faster to pay bills or open a new contract?? I feel that I will stay for long without a connection and probably I will cut my veins for long. I tried to go on the website of the telephone company but do not give any useful information, I'll call and I know that it will be a casino and spend lots of money! (For now
then uses the connection of the university ... but in the evening when I get home I do not know what to do: I can not watch a movie, I can not chat, can not cover the exercises done in class that are on the site University home ... we do not have television, and even cards to play tonight ... Oh well I dedicate myself a bit 'to the cleaners because it is my turn to weeks and then I'll go to bed early that I need to recover a bit 'of energy (or maybe instead I go back outside and feel the competition for bands of ahahahaah UCL).
Anyway I discovered a room with students of archeology in the basement where the couches sprawl, microwave and kettle for tea ... you are too good! Now that I know I will start to gear up for lunch: having a microwave can do a lot of things and save a bit 'of money!
Sunday I found a DIY type store near my house and I bought a couple of things have definitely improved the room: a red shade to the lamp, a purple carpet to cover a bit 'the horrible carpet and bedspread red cloth. The main problem is how to color a bit 'walls without ruining the wallpaper ... I got a great idea and I'm doing origami to stick to the wall! I make them a bit ' at a time, relaxing colors and are very much the result (so as not to repeat myself) is all free!! I would use them to make the "headboard" of the bed. As soon as the project takes shape will post some pictures.
Now I make myself a tea and I went home hoping that the crush of the subway is a bit 'dropped.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Large Scale Swing Sets
spring cleaning
Day slamming today I cleaned the room and I removed the wallpaper in the points where it was moldy and I washed the wall below. One point bothers me a bit 'because I think it is rotten to the wall (if they break off pieces). Anyway I have driven back the Wardrobe holes in front of the room airy and I'm ... we see in the next few days if you still feel the smell of mildew. The carpet has changed color after cleaning! I must say that my standards of home I was really good!
meantime I have written those in the photography course, it seems that this evening there is a lesson on adjusting the exposure ... I thought about going to climb, but very nearly return tomorrow tomorrow and take advantage of this opportunity!
Last night I spent a wonderful evening of Nando's in Picadilly with cougine and a couple of their friends, Italian-London (to which I have billions of questions I do not know how I managed to put up with me!)
I am very satisfied with this day ! now I Doccio, dining / I dine, not clear, and I go to this thing.
Day slamming today I cleaned the room and I removed the wallpaper in the points where it was moldy and I washed the wall below. One point bothers me a bit 'because I think it is rotten to the wall (if they break off pieces). Anyway I have driven back the Wardrobe holes in front of the room airy and I'm ... we see in the next few days if you still feel the smell of mildew. The carpet has changed color after cleaning! I must say that my standards of home I was really good!
meantime I have written those in the photography course, it seems that this evening there is a lesson on adjusting the exposure ... I thought about going to climb, but very nearly return tomorrow tomorrow and take advantage of this opportunity!
Last night I spent a wonderful evening of Nando's in Picadilly with cougine and a couple of their friends, Italian-London (to which I have billions of questions I do not know how I managed to put up with me!)
I am very satisfied with this day ! now I Doccio, dining / I dine, not clear, and I go to this thing.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
What Does A Virigina Look Like
news flash (with a lowercase L),
I rummaged in the basement a little more 'and I managed to fix a pseudo library ... not a masterpiece but it does its job and as usual it ggggggratis!! maybe sooner or later the paint ... still works fine and if I'm lucky I may not make me fall on my head! Bon
I run to class.
news flash (with a lowercase L),
I rummaged in the basement a little more 'and I managed to fix a pseudo library ... not a masterpiece but it does its job and as usual it ggggggratis!! maybe sooner or later the paint ... still works fine and if I'm lucky I may not make me fall on my head! Bon
I run to class.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Cervix Position Before Menstruation
Ok, today I socialized! I chat with my classmates in the hallway and at lunch time I took my courage in both hands, I went looking for them and I offered to eat a sandwich in the company! Wow, I'm very proud of me. I even remember a name! The other start I is not so nice, keep on talking ... I found that it is American, I do not understand when he talks about almost anything, but in the end was very nice so I think I'll give the benefit of the doubt (though there is American).
And I have identified three clubs to which I subscribe: mountaineering, photo and georgian. The first is the club for climbers of UCL and luckily for me they also climb to the castle, are there every Wednesday, but I have not had time to reach them. And from what I understand they have a t-shirt! I mean, what's really cool to have the shirt of the club's climbing ucl?? ahahahhaha also organize excursions, exactly what I hoped! membership fee £ 12
The club has a photo darkroom at UCL, the book can be when you want and develop your own photos! With a membership fee of £ 5 will have free courses in photography and what I would not mind to neinte! I just have to get hold of a camera.
The club georgian hand, is a great mystery, seems to have just been born, so no one knows anything ... I will send an email and we'll let you know. Maybe I'll teach the Georgian!
English course instead is complete and will not accept new registrations. There will be another one in May but I have to deliver my papers first and then are a bit 'worried. But I caught a tutor of the department who should receive Monday.
As it may seem absurd to most of the day I dedicated to apply for student travel card oyster! It 'was a party! But eventually I made it within 7 days and should get there.
Last night I got strength, I reacted to my infinite laziness, and instead put something in the microwave, I cooked a real dinner! I am very satisfied but be aware that the chicken breasts in this country have an odd shape. Today I had to do some shopping (I'm stealing sugar from my roommates and my friends know how much sugar you put in) but I did not just feel like, so it is postponed until tomorrow morning. Well here's ... I have a feeling this will be the last time I live alone and would like to do it well, I would like to challenge some of my fears of all time, some ideas I have of me and go home more secure and ready to face a new chapter in my life. .. I know: coexistence?? we'll see ...
On the wall of my room there are a few 'new photos I picked up at home and make me a lot of company! There is still much to do and this somehow makes me more pleasure so I do not think the university, indeed, thinking of my space I take care of me.
During the weekend at home I discovered that my grandmother would write me letters while I'm here, with his memory he will remember only at times but you do not even idea of \u200b\u200bhow much heat has given me this news! So I thought that I write, so do not forget about it. My nonnolona!
Ok, today I socialized! I chat with my classmates in the hallway and at lunch time I took my courage in both hands, I went looking for them and I offered to eat a sandwich in the company! Wow, I'm very proud of me. I even remember a name! The other start I is not so nice, keep on talking ... I found that it is American, I do not understand when he talks about almost anything, but in the end was very nice so I think I'll give the benefit of the doubt (though there is American).
And I have identified three clubs to which I subscribe: mountaineering, photo and georgian. The first is the club for climbers of UCL and luckily for me they also climb to the castle, are there every Wednesday, but I have not had time to reach them. And from what I understand they have a t-shirt! I mean, what's really cool to have the shirt of the club's climbing ucl?? ahahahhaha also organize excursions, exactly what I hoped! membership fee £ 12
The club has a photo darkroom at UCL, the book can be when you want and develop your own photos! With a membership fee of £ 5 will have free courses in photography and what I would not mind to neinte! I just have to get hold of a camera.
The club georgian hand, is a great mystery, seems to have just been born, so no one knows anything ... I will send an email and we'll let you know. Maybe I'll teach the Georgian!
English course instead is complete and will not accept new registrations. There will be another one in May but I have to deliver my papers first and then are a bit 'worried. But I caught a tutor of the department who should receive Monday.
As it may seem absurd to most of the day I dedicated to apply for student travel card oyster! It 'was a party! But eventually I made it within 7 days and should get there.
Last night I got strength, I reacted to my infinite laziness, and instead put something in the microwave, I cooked a real dinner! I am very satisfied but be aware that the chicken breasts in this country have an odd shape. Today I had to do some shopping (I'm stealing sugar from my roommates and my friends know how much sugar you put in) but I did not just feel like, so it is postponed until tomorrow morning. Well here's ... I have a feeling this will be the last time I live alone and would like to do it well, I would like to challenge some of my fears of all time, some ideas I have of me and go home more secure and ready to face a new chapter in my life. .. I know: coexistence?? we'll see ...
On the wall of my room there are a few 'new photos I picked up at home and make me a lot of company! There is still much to do and this somehow makes me more pleasure so I do not think the university, indeed, thinking of my space I take care of me.
During the weekend at home I discovered that my grandmother would write me letters while I'm here, with his memory he will remember only at times but you do not even idea of \u200b\u200bhow much heat has given me this news! So I thought that I write, so do not forget about it. My nonnolona!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
What Message Should I Put In A Card For A Wedding
I finally posted pictures of the house, recheck the first post.
I finally posted pictures of the house, recheck the first post.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Crohn Disease More Condition_symptoms
mashed with fish!
not you ever think eh ... so chic un'abbinata could only come up with an Englishman!
E 'went like this: last night, disappointing after hours of "study" I needed a dinner entertainment, so I rummaged in the freezer for something forgotten by previous tenants ... Occo and what I wanted! fish pie and mash! perfect to feel the thrill of the unknown. Obviously, getting ready in 7 minutes in the microwave (here almost not cooking). I must say that was an experience!
On Friday I did not lecture so I'm still in my pajamas this morning. I studied most of the day ... I do not know what to say, I have clarified the ideas on some things, something I might be able to know, but this examination I have never inspired me and never will inspire, there is nothing to do ! and it is absurd if you think me a mess like the naval archeology. E 'Beltrame just annoys me, the way he makes naval archeology! Maybe if he had an eye patch, wooden leg and a parrot on his shoulder would prefer.
Anyway today I did some extensive research on the Internet. The carpet can be clean, warm water and ammonia. It will be my mission for next week, provided that the owner (a very funny little man I do not know where to specify the nationality) do not lend me a vaporella or send me a carpet cleaner, actually belongs to him care of the house, but nn account ... so much elbow grease and smell this way!
Tomorrow you go home for the weekend! arrivooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
not you ever think eh ... so chic un'abbinata could only come up with an Englishman!
E 'went like this: last night, disappointing after hours of "study" I needed a dinner entertainment, so I rummaged in the freezer for something forgotten by previous tenants ... Occo and what I wanted! fish pie and mash! perfect to feel the thrill of the unknown. Obviously, getting ready in 7 minutes in the microwave (here almost not cooking). I must say that was an experience!
On Friday I did not lecture so I'm still in my pajamas this morning. I studied most of the day ... I do not know what to say, I have clarified the ideas on some things, something I might be able to know, but this examination I have never inspired me and never will inspire, there is nothing to do ! and it is absurd if you think me a mess like the naval archeology. E 'Beltrame just annoys me, the way he makes naval archeology! Maybe if he had an eye patch, wooden leg and a parrot on his shoulder would prefer.
Anyway today I did some extensive research on the Internet. The carpet can be clean, warm water and ammonia. It will be my mission for next week, provided that the owner (a very funny little man I do not know where to specify the nationality) do not lend me a vaporella or send me a carpet cleaner, actually belongs to him care of the house, but nn account ... so much elbow grease and smell this way!
Tomorrow you go home for the weekend! arrivooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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