Ok this history of the Internet is becoming a big problem and does not seem to be resolved in time Fast! The other day I was screwed out of the university and end up talking to a couple of friends have been sitting on the sidewalk in the cold for half an hour !!!!! I need Internet access the tutorials for the courses I am attending and doing the exercises (the first I have to deliver the February 9 !!!)... but it also serves to orient myself in this damn town! Now I find myself doing millions of searches in a short time and then every time I come home and there's something I forgot to check. But above all I have left less time to study! I can not bring home all the books I need and I can not do the exercises except when I have internet! I need internet at home for the evening do the cabbage and my day, college, all I have to do for classes! Not to mention the fact that I took a dictionary of English because I find it all so what I need on ... INTERNET! Ugh!
So excuse me if I'm not writing very often on the blog but I am becoming a bit 'complicated!
Friday morning for some reason I woke up at 6 ... probably because my bed is quite uncomfortable, I'm not sleeping very well. Not knowing what the hell to do (I've already said that I do not have internet?) I got a. .. STUDY! incredible! The only thing I had available at home was the history of the Near East Van de Mieroop ... at 5 pm I realized that I had never yet lifted from the desk! Intrippata a lot and I have finally managed to draw a diagram of the complete history of the Near East from the Neolithic to the Persian conquest! I was finally able to arrange all those things that just do not understand the Liverani! Do not believe it but the history of the Near East begins to make sense!! Come on insomnia, praised Van de Mieroop! (How many exclamation points today!)
At that point I had my back to pieces and all the sore muscles from climbing on Wednesday ... What to do? I had actually planned to go climbing but I was almost tempted to go on to study because it was launched ... but in the end I thought it was not healthy to be so nerd! I forced myself to get dressed and went to the castle, thinking that my back pain and that I would have enjoyed it a little disposed 'of lactic acid.
I fired a full hour of Bulder and exercises at the low wall, then I met the other club so I throw myself into my first high wall! I thought it would be much harder, even I was already pretty tired ... and instead it was wonderful. Of course I did a simple way but I went on with no problem and gave me too much satisfaction! Then we took a break and I ate a chocolate muffin as good as ever at the bar of the castle! And then to climb again! I even over a boulder that the girl who climbed with me (she beginner h) failed to finish. The coolest thing is that once you enter you can stay for up to 10 (closing time) and considering that you pay very little!!
Saturday instead I woke up slowly, I borrowed a bike for my roommate and I throw myself in this urban jungle! It took me 30 minutes to get to the net university, whereas I did not know the roads well and then I stopped to look at the map and I have absolutely physically and virtually surpassed even my children, is a great time! And it was definitely nice to see me around (traveling under the ground is so depressing!). Saturday was the coldest day since I came here, I was worried to death, frozen and instead it went really well (it will be a chore that I did so I was very flushed and Executioner: p). So we know that the bicycle will be my means of locomotion for the coming months. Wednesday I shall expire on the subscription subway and I'm not going to do it again. In the coming days I will try a used bike, should not be too difficult to find one.
In the afternoon I had an appointment with the guys from the club that made photography a walk to soho to examine preparations for the Chinese New Year which will be next week. It was very cold and then after a short walking tour we were stuffed into a Chinese restaurant to drink tea and chat. It 'was a really nice afternoon! I talked a lot in English, I made new friends ... nice!
Today I wanted to devote myself to the study since yesterday I have not done anything. On Sunday it is open only to the central library of the UCL, there are many books on archeology, but it is beautiful and I like it here! I am in the pavilion of the law because it is the most beautiful of all, with high vaulted ceilings ... But are the 6 and I have not done much (ie, I did a lot of things but not for college ... as I said before).
Oh well I am attaching a bit 'of photos a bit' random these days.
laundry day ... |
the most beautiful rose origami I've done so far |
decorations for Chinese New Year |
find parking in London is a nightmare! |
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